Working remotely as a Software Engineer4 months agoMy experience working as a Software Engineer on a remote company. I'm going to give you some tips on communication, organization and remote culture.
Moving Ulabox to Next.js4 months agoA few months ago we released the new website of ulabox. We rebuilt the entire website from scratch using React and Next.js to Server Side Render our pages 🎉
JavaScript monorepos with Lerna and Yarn Workspacesabout 1 year agoA guide to create JavaScript monorepos with Lerna and Yarn Workspaces. Explaining what is a monorepo, what are they useful for and how to create one with a code example
Managing React-Native crashes with Error Boundariesover 1 year agoI'm going to explain why it's important and how you can use error boundaries in a React-Native application to improve error resiliency 👨💻
Scalable React Components architectureabout 2 years agoCreating scalable React components using the folder pattern. A simple way to organize and structure React Components.
Shipping React Native apps with Fastlane and Travisabout 2 years agoThe process of continuously delivering React Native apps with Fastlane and Travis CI automatically.
ReactiveConf 2017about 3 years agoReactiveConf 2017 review. A two days conference about functional and reactive programming that takes places in Bratislava.
Moving to DigitalOceanabout 3 years agoThe process of moving my website and Ghost blog from Heroku to DigitalOcean. Provisioning up the server with Node.js, Nginx, LetsEncrypt and PM2.
React Native meets CodePushabout 3 years agoReact Native meets CodePush, a cloud service ideal for pushing instantly bug fixes and new features to a react-native application.
Shipping React Native apps with Fastlaneover 3 years agoBuilding native applications with React is awesome. Until the time you have to release a new build. That's when Fastlane comes to the rescue!
Git development workflowover 3 years agoGit development workflow. Feature branches, rebase on top of master, squash and merge.
React Amsterdam 2017over 3 years agoReact Amsterdam 2017 review. A full day conference on all things React with more than 1000 developers from all across the globe.
2016 Year in Reviewalmost 4 years agoAs 2016 has come to an end, I would like to write a post reviewing my year and keep this as an habit. 2016 was a year full of new things...
Debugging with JavaScript consoleabout 4 years agoDebugging is an essential part of programming. Tips and tricks for debugging with the JavaScript console object. Assertions, Loggings, Timers and much more!
Hyper a Terminal built on open web standardsover 4 years agoHyperTerm is an Open Source Project created by ZEIT. The goal of the project is to create a beautiful experience for command-line users.
How to deploy Static Sites with Surgeover 4 years agoHow to deploy static websites with surge, the most easy and simple way to deploy a static site, all from your terminal. Surge it's free.
Mastering and Hacking Slack integrationsover 4 years agoDiscover how Slack could improve your daily life boosting up your productivity and organisation mastering and hacking with the integrations and automations.
Automating dependencies with greenkeeperover 4 years agoLearn how to automate your project dependencies with greenkeeper and github. Get automatically a pull request when a dependency gets updated.
Free and easy HTTPs with Cloudflareover 4 years agoHow to get HTTPs for free and easily in your websites with Cloudflare.
Terminal setupalmost 5 years agoCarlos Cuesta terminal setup with ZSH and Oh-My-ZSH, using materialshell and my dotfiles.
Chrome DevTools Customizationalmost 5 years agoDevTools Author is a selection of author settings for Chrome Developer Tools that provides a small set of options to enhance your web development experience
How to keep npm dependencies up to datealmost 5 years agoLearn how to keep npm dependencies up to date from your terminal using npm outdated, npm-check-updates ncu or with web applications like
Hello Worldalmost 5 years agoHi I'm Carlos Cuesta! I am a Front End developer based in Barcelona, Spain. Coding addicted that enjoys building things with code and I ♥ OpenSource.